Learn how to keep your followers engaged and how to make the workload manageable.

Growing a social media following in a crowded digital landscape takes a tailored social media strategy coupled with industry insights and technical know-how. But it can all seem so overwhelming! The best way to start is to focus on one thing at a time. Today, we are talking about ‘4 Ways to Cultivate Social Media Followers.’

Keep reading to learn how to keep your followers engaged and how to make the workload manageable. It’s not about doing ALL THE THINGS. It’s truly about finding what is right for you and your brand. Read on…


The best way to a successful social media content strategy is to plan ahead. Don’t do things on a whim. The first step is to create a social media content calendar. Having this tool will ensure you don’t miss key dates. You can create your calendar in Google Sheets to keep it really simple. Or, you can use a specific social media management tool. Choose from a free tool like HootSuite, or you can choose a paid version like Monday or Sendible that our team prefers.

The good news is that most paid tools offer a free trial period. So, try a few different ones and find out what works best for you. Whatever tool you use, plan ahead for content that helps support your business goals.


There’s something to knowing what to expect. And the same goes for your social media followers. They’ve come to know and love your brand so your social media accounts should be representative of your brand. When someone visits your social media channels they should see the brand they are familiar with. And for new and potential customers, it’s good to show them what your brand is all about.

How can you be consistent with you social media presence? From the creative to the post copy there are many ways to let your brand shine. One of the easiest ways is to use the same colors and embellishments on your social media posts. If you need help creating those check out our Creative Elements Package. It is a unique offering by Afflecto where we give you all the tools to create beautiful social media posts that are consistent with your brand identity. Many small businesses have benefitted from using this package. It’s an easy way to create good social media content.

Additionally, ensure you find your unique voice and that it comes through in how your posts are written. Create a brand persona and define how that person would talk and what words they’d us. Then use that to guide your post writing.

The different content types you share can also create consistency. Users find the most value in educational content and entertaining content, but you also have to determine what is right for your brand. As an example, if you are an orthodontic office, you probably want to share content about the benefits of seeing an orthodontist at an early age (educational) and funny memes about visiting the orthodontist (entertaining). But you will also need to share some get-to-know you content about the people in your office. That way followers can see their favorite hygienist, or the staff that will be treating them. While this isn’t educational or funny, it humanizes the brand by showing some personal aspects of the office.


Be aware of social media trends, but only participate when they make sense for your brand. You don’t need to jump on the bandwagon for every trend. Be mindful of how participating in trends can work within your overall social media strategy.

One “trend” that will always work is user-generated content (UGC). If your fans and followers are sharing content about your brand, it’s always a good idea to use it! First, ask their permission. And once it is granted, share this UGC with your other fans. This authentic content resonates well with nearly all social media users. And potential customers will see it as an endorsement of your brand.


If you have a lot on your plate and can’t manage posting to social everyday, then do what you can. Your reach and engagement will increase as you post more, but you also want to share high-quality content. If that means sharing one post per week, than make it amazing!

Also, don’t feel like you have to be present on every social media channel. Choosing the right social networks for your brand is a great way to limit the workload, but still reach your target audience. If your audience is older, you might just need to focus on Facebook and Instagram. If your target is much younger, then you’ll want to consider focusing your efforts on TikTok. Just remember, don’t just to post. Be intentional.


Here is an infographic that captures all of this information in an easy to use way. Print it off and keep it by your desk as a reminder of the 4 tips to cultivating social media followers.

4 Tips for Cultivating Social Media Followers infographic

Contact Afflecto for Social Media Assistance

We can help drive engagement, awareness and conversions. But first, we’ll talk about your goals. Then, we can do as much, or as little as you’d like. Our team can create a Creative Elements Package that will give you all the tools you need to create beautiful social content. Or, we can handle all of your social media management from social media strategy to content creation and community management. Now is the right time to get your social media channels in order. Contact us to learn more about the social media options we offer.

Afflecto Earns Platinum and Gold in Creative Excellence

We are excited to announce that Afflecto has earned platinum and gold in Creative Excellence from the 2022 Hermes Creative Awards. This is the second consecutive year our creative work has been recognized by this competition.

“As we always say, the real award is a happy client,” said Amy Rose, Vice President of Afflecto Media Marketing. “However, recognition like this validates that our team’s hard work and our agency’s investment in creative growth is truly moving the needle in the right direction.”

Platinum Creative Excellence Award

Afflecto received honors in two different categories. Platinum honors were given for the category of ‘Overall Company Branding Design’ for client Restorative Pain Management. Restorative Pain Management is pain management clinic that focuses on neck and back pain.

They came to Afflecto seeking an entire branding overhaul. “When I moved my practice location, I knew it was time to get our branding updated,” said Dr. Gregory Stynowick, MD. “Afflecto was able to create modern branding for my practice that wasn’t cliché. They exceeded my expectations!”

Afflecto work earns platinum honors for Restorative Pain Management clinic branding

Gold Creative Excellence Award

The Performance Eyecare print marketing was awarded the Gold distinction. Performance Eyecare is the largest, independently owned eyecare provider in the St. Louis region. They have nine locations on both sides of the river, including Columbia, MO.

Afflecto has added personality and dimension to our branding,” said Dr. Dirk Massie, Owner of Performance Eyecare. “We couldn’t be happier with our partnership.”

Afflecto’s Past Honors

The Hermes Awards recognized Afflecto last year as well. The work honored in 2021 was for client Clear Blue Smiles. Afflecto earned platinum and gold awards for branding and logo design. The committee also awarded Afflecto an honorable mention for their 2020 client holiday card.

About Afflecto Media Marketing

Afflecto Media Marketing is a full-service marketing agency based in St. Louis, MO., serving clients nationwide. Our team focuses on driving sales and brand value through expertise in digital media, broadcast media, website design and development, creative and branding, and social media.

“We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. One of our fundamental beliefs is that good work happens when you work with people you like. This goes for our internal team and our client partnerships,” said Rose. “That’s why we don’t require long-term client contracts. The relationship continues as long as it is working for both sides. And I believe that’s why our client retention rate has stayed above 92% for over ten years.”

About the Hermes Creative Awards

The Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals. The awards recognize creative excellence in the areas of concept, writing, and design for both traditional and emerging media. This year the competition received over 6,500 entries from the United States, Canada, and dozens of other countries. Receiving a Platinum or Gold distinction is an incredible honor.

Hermes Creative Awards are one of the oldest and largest creative competitions in the world. Winners range in size from individuals to media conglomerates, as well as some of the biggest names in Fortune 500 companies. The international awards program is administered by the Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals. Judges are industry professionals looking for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark for the industry.

Afflecto Earns Honors in the 2022 MUSE Creative Awards

We are excited to announce that Afflecto Media Marketing earned gold honors in the 2022 MUSE Creative Awards. Afflecto received gold for an Integrated Marketing campaign created for client Performance Eyecare. Anjelica Aquilino, Creative Specialist for Afflecto, was the lead designer on the project.

About the Muse Creative Awards

The International Awards Associate (IAA) hosts the MUSE Awards. The IAA aims to promote excellence in various creative and design industries by providing professionals a platform to compete against their peers. This year they received over 6,000 entries worldwide. The MUSE Creative Awards is a leading awards program created to honor creative and design professionals for their excellence.

“We are excited to receive this recognition from the IAA,” said Amy Rose, Vice President, Afflecto. “This recognition – and the desire to continually put out good work – motivates us to push ourselves every day.”

Afflecto’s Winning Work

Along with the gold honors, Afflecto also received two silver awards. One in the ‘Advertising’ category and the other in the ‘Branding’ category. Want to see the winning entries? Keep reading…

GOLD AWARD – Integrated Marketing
Client: Performance Eyecare
With opening of new offices the client knew it was time for a brand update. The result was a dynamic campaign that was unlike any of their competitors.

Client: Restorative Pain Management
The branding work for this client extended from assisting in renaming his practice and developing a tagline; to creating a robust brand package.

SILVER AWARD – Advertising
Client: Performance Eyecare
With a new, bilingual doctor on the team, Performance Eyecare, was eager to tell the Bosnian community where they could go for their eyecare needs. Afflecto created both English and bilingual creative to use in the communication plan.

Afflecto Rebrand of Performance Eyecare


INDUSTRY: Eye Care/Vision
AGENCY SERVICES: Branding and Design

Having recently opened more offices and with more new locations on the horizon, Performance Eyecare knew it was time for a brand update. The end result was dynamic branding unlike any other local eyecare provider.


Performance Eyecare, an independently owned eye care provider serving the St. Louis Metro, Illinois Metro East, and Columbia, MO., areas with nine locations. They carry exclusive brands of eye glasses and are committed to top notch customer service. They also prioritize using the latest technology to ensure exams are painless, thorough, and precise.


They needed to stand out from a larger competitor with deeper pockets and more locations.


Create a brand package that would help differentiate them from their competitors and be memorable, but that did not change their logo.


Performance Eyecare wanted to present themselves as the “Nordstrom of Eyecare.” A practice with a large selection of designer frames at reasonable prices with a focus on customer service. We defined this as ‘affordable luxury.’

Most of their competitors relied heavily on stock imagery of glasses. Or dated lifestyle images of people wearing glasses. We knew from the beginning that we wanted to take a different approach. Our goal was to create something that was memorable and unlike any other eyecare branding in the market.

We were inspired by the custom artwork our client features in his offices by Julie McNally. He discovered this this artist at the St. Louis Art Fair years ago and commissions paintings from McNally each time he opens a new office.


Afflecto’s solution was to incorporate artistic components into the branding. We wanted to avoid using boring stock imagery and cliché eyecare elements that anyone could use.

We went through several iterations before landing on our final approach. Different concepts were created using different paint strokes, styles, and textures. Some with and without photography. Our team finally decided to move forward with the ink concept. We liked that it gave the brand a colorful look and dynamic feel. It also allowed us to showcase our client’s exclusive lines of eyeglass frames.

The concept was bright and drew attention to the eyeglasses. It was completely different than anything Performance Eyecare’s competitors were doing. And they loved that! The final brand concept represented the notion that with better vision care you can see in higher definition and more vivid colors.

Contact Afflecto

Developing a new brand? Or in need of a brand update? Afflecto loves to help our clients bring their vision to life. Our experienced team would love to talk to you about your business goals. Let’s chat! Contact Afflecto Media Marketing today.

Afflecto Work: Pain Management Clinic

Client: Restorative Pain Management
Industry: Healthcare

A total brand overhaul for a pain management clinic is the latest addition to Afflecto’s healthcare marketing portfolio. Our team worked with the doctor to rename his practice, develop a new tagline, and create a robust brand package. That was then used to create print collateral, social media templates, and a new website. Just because Dr. Stynowick focuses on neck and back pain doesn’t mean his branding had to be all vertebrae and x-rays.

Driving leads with a smaller budget


INDUSTRY: Orthodontics
AGENCY SERVICES: Paid Search, Remarketing, and Programmatic Advertising

What do you do when your client says they need to reduce their digital marketing budget, but still get the same results? You pivot and drive even more leads! Being a good marketer requires one to be willing to change directions, adapt, and use data to revise your plans. And that’s just what the Afflecto Media team did when our client made that call. Find out how our team was able to increase leads, drive more new patient starts, and generate more first-time callers than before despite the decreased budget. Keep reading to find out how we accomplished this task.


Orthodontic network in the St. Louis metro area with six offices under three different practice names.


For nearly two years, our client had been successfully using digital marketing to increase awareness and drive leads for their orthodontic practices. However, after purchasing additional practices to grow their Dental Service Organization they needed to reallocate budgets to fund onboarding the new practices. The reallocation led to a 46% decrease in their digital marketing spend.


Afflecto was tasked with continuing to drive new patient leads with a reduced digital advertising budget. Spend less. Drive the same quantity – if not more – leads. Got it!


We opted to reduce awareness tactics in order to focus the majority of the budget on conversion efforts. This didn’t mean removing all awareness advertising. Supporting awareness is crucial to ensure your marketing reaches people throughout their decision-making process. And the decision-making process for dental and orthodontic decisions can take some time. So it was imperative that our client remain top of mind.

Our past social media advertising and digital display efforts had increased brand awareness for all ortho practices and resulted in an increase of 41% (on average) new website visitors. With demand and attention for these practices established, we knew that a continuity approach to brand awareness would be enough to sustain brand recognition. This allowed us to allocate more dollars to conversion tactics.

Even with these changes to the media plan, additional tweaks were necessary to ensure we reached our lead goals. We knew continuing to use Google Ads and Website Remarketing was the way to go, but how could we rethink our approach? We shifted our strategy to hone in on people who had a higher propensity to convert sooner rather than later.


This meant fine tuning our Search targeting to focus only on people making a decision about ortho treatment now; and excluding those who were considering future treatment options. To do this we honed in on the top ten long-tail keywords. These type of keywords are more specific, less competitive, and attract a smaller, super relevant audience. They were the keywords that not only drive a lot of leads, but the ones that turn into new patient starts. They were not necessarily the least expensive, but they were the most effective.

If you can convert higher priced keywords more than the less expensive ones you tend to spend less overall for the same amount of – sometimes more – conversions. Or, in this case new patient starts.

We also focused on website visitors who did not make an appointment or call. Since they had demonstrated a high level of intent it was likely they’d remain interested for the foreseeable future. And convert to new patient starts faster than other groups. These people saw our remarketing ads – both digital display and video – while online. The Afflecto team as able to remarket to this audience using their excusive programmatic partner.


After six months of the new digital plan being in place we were able to drive more leads with a smaller budget for all orthodontic offices. They also increased new patient starts and first-time callers. Sometimes less can be more.

Digital marketing case study resulted in 63% increase in new patient starts

The year-over-year starts for all six offices were positive with an average of 63% increase in new patients at each location.

The new plan increased calls from an average of 385 per office to 675 calls per office. Additionally, there was a 89% increase in first-time callers to all offices.

Online ‘Contact Form’ submissions from their websites increased 13% (on average) across all six offices.

Contact Afflecto

Interested in driving leads with a smaller budget? Maybe you want to fine-tune your digital marketing plan? Afflecto has extensive experience with developing strategy and running successful digital campaigns. Our experienced team would love to talk to you about your business goals. Let’s chat! Contact Afflecto Media Marketing today.